Back Rowe Reviews
Real Time Movie Reviews from the Back Row of a Theater

Anchorman 2 (R)

Directed by: Adam McKay
Starring: Will Ferrell
December 2013

This review was originally tweeted in Real-time from the back row of a movie theater and appears @BackRoweReviews. Though efforts were made to tease rather than ruin this movie’s memorable lines and moments, some spoilers may exist in the following evaluation. The original tweets appear in black, while follow-up comments appear in red. For concerns over objectionable content, please first refer to one of the many parental movie guide websites. All ratings are based on a four star system. Happy reading!

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“Me or the job.” Easy decision as we soon see.

The “chicken of the cave” scene is hilarious.
One of the only genuinely funny scenes in the movie.

One superhero that should never see the light of day...Lace-Man.
However, he might be an appropriate sidekick for Ballerina-Man, who made quite an impression on the judges at a superhero tryout in Mystery Men (1999).

First live car chase is a smash.
But seems passé in retrospect.

Ron’s Doby lullaby is utterly ludicrous.

Multi-network melee in Central Park is daft beyond description.
But it’s loaded with A-list stars.

Final analysis: a profound disappointment. The vast majority of the film isn’t even remotely funny.

1 out of 4 stars. Dumb from the word go, this sequel is anything but classy.

The first film was crass and idiotic, but was also charming and, on occasion, heartwarming. This one is just crass and idiotic. As Forrest Gump would say, “That’s all I have to say about that.”